Paige Randall North


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I am an assistant professor at Utrecht University with a dual appointment in the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Information and Computing Sciences. I am also an Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham and a Guest Researcher at the Delft University of Technology. Previously, I was a postdoc in the Departments of Mathematics and Electrical and Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, working with Rob Ghrist, and in the Mathematics Department at the Ohio State University, working with Sanjeevi Krishnan. Before that, I did my PhD in mathematics at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Martin Hyland and my BS in mathematics at the University of Chicago.

In my research, I apply tools of topology and category theory to problems in computer science. I am most focused on the connections between functional programming/type theory and homotopy theory/higher category theory.



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Research projects

Enriched type theory

Formalization of double categories in HoTT/UF

with Nima Rasekh, Niels van der Weide, Benedikt Ahrens

Formalization of model category theory in HoTT/UF

with Dennis Hilhorst

Coalgebraic control of inductive datatypes

with Maximilien Péroux, Lukas Mulder

Bicategorical type theory

with Benedikt Ahrens, Niels van der Weide

Categorical dynamics

with Rob Ghrist, Miguel Lopez, Hans Riess

Structure of the semantics of dependent types

with Benedikt Ahrens, Jacopo Emmenegger, Peter Lefanu Lumsdaine, Egbert Rijke

The univalence principle

with Benedikt Ahrens, Michael Shulman, Dimitris Tsementzis

Directed type theory

PhD thesis: Type theoretic weak factorization systems

Other papers


Regular courses

Summer schools


